Ideal Conditions for Food Storage
Starting your emergency food storage can be a daunting endeavor. We get it. Figuring out how much food to store can be overwhelming. Not to mention, what kinds of food do you want to store? What kinds should you store? Even more so, when you get that food home, where are you going to put it? Are there ideal conditions for food storage?
We’re going to help answer all of those questions today and we’re always here to answer any other questions that you might have.
So, first, are there ideal storage locations for food storage? The short answer is, yes. Freeze-dried food has a potential of up to 30 years of shelf life and dehydrated food will stay good for up to 20 years if stored correctly.
Ideal storage for food storage includes:
– Under 65 degrees Fahrenheit (Actually, the cooler the better without reaching freezing)
– Consistent temperatures. The more the temperature varies, the worse it is for the food
– In a room that has no direct sunlight
– In a room with low humidity
In other words, your perfect storage area would probably be a cold storage room in a basement.
You don’t have a cold storage room? Don’t stress. People store their food storage in less-than-perfect conditions all the time. You just have to be more creative. Here are some ideas that customers have shared with us.
Under the stairs – We have one resourceful customer who didn’t have a good place to store her food storage. She was looking at her house and realized that she had wasted, open space under her stairs. She cut out a rectangle in the wall, insulated the space, put in a door, and filled it with her food storage. She chose the area because it was not against an outside wall so it wouldn’t get too hot in the summer. But really, she chose the space because it was her only real option.
Under beds- Many people don’t have any extra room to pile their cans and water containers. That’s when they get creative. Daily Bread customers have found great ways to find that space in places like under beds, linen closets, and other nooks inside their houses. Look around to see where you can hide/store your cans in plain sight. You might be surprised. Your food storage doesn’t need to be clumped together. In fact, it might be good to have it spread on different levels of the house.
Pantry- Our favorite way to store food is to simply use the pantry. A rotating food storage system lets you use your food storage throughout the year, never letting it near its expiration date. An open can stays good for 6-12 months, so you can keep it in your pantry and go to it for your favorite recipes. Simply rehydrate and add it in.
Things to avoid when storing food:
– Great temperature variations. Places like your attic and your garage may be your only option. Just be aware that these areas can fluctuate in temperature greatly, compromising the shelf-life of your food.
– Areas against outside walls. While you may not feel the temperature variation, outside walls can absorb quite a bit of heat. Be careful when storing there.
Most of us don’t have perfect conditions for food storage. That’s okay. Like most things, you can adapt. With a little bit of creativity, you can make an ideal-for-you food storage system.
We’d love to hear from you. Where have you found to store your emergency food? Let us know in the comments below