The Coming Food Collapse
The most obvious factor controlling our food supply is climate. If it’s too dry, the crops won’t grow. If it’s too cold, once again, the crops won’t grow. There are many other conditions that will affect the quality and amount of food we can produce, but basic moisture and temperature are the two biggies.
There are many who track potential climate changes and much of the data is available to you and me as well. There are YouTube Channels such as Suspicious0bservers, Adapt 2030, Ice Age Farmer and Grand Solar Minimum that will provide you with more information than you probably bargained for.
Contrary to all of the nonsense being spewed by governments, NGO’s and so-called centers of higher learning, we are NOT suffering from Anthropogenic (man-caused) Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide Poisoning, Climate Change (when the “forecasted” models didn’t deliver the promised rise in temperatures), etc., etc., etc.
We are now entering what is known as a Grand Solar Minimum period where the temperatures will mainly be dropping (with some areas warming as well) resulting in cold, wet conditions, shortened growing seasons, crop failures, the spread of disease and so on. This does not mean that it will be getting colder everywhere, as it may be likely in Iceland, Alaska and probably the western U.S. the temperatures may be warmer and drier if you follow the historic model of what happened in the Maunder Minimum in the early 1600’s. These cycles go like clockwork, every two hundred or so years: The Dalton Period of the early 1800’s, The Maunder Minimum of the 1600’s, the Sporer Minimum of the 1400’s, and so on.
A solar minimum period is when the sun goes into a quiet period of reduced sun spots (a normal eleven year cycle). A Grand Solar Minimum is when the sun spot activity goes down to very little or next to none. The sunspots are what help energize the weather patterns on earth. When solar activity goes down, it changes the weather patterns. Cosmic ray activity comes lower into the atmosphere, creating low and cold cloud layers that increase levels of rain fall and snow.
Look at all of the unseasonal weather, the 500 and 1,000 year flooding and other events (like snow in the Sahara and the Saudi Peninsula) that keep occurring on a continuing basis.
With all of this late season cold weather and continuing snow storms, there has been a growing increase of crop failures due to snow, ice, hail, cold, etc.
Many have followed Dave Dubyne of Adapt 2030 (meaning adapting to the Grand Solar Minimum period bottoming out around the year 2030) for some time now, and he has tracked crop failures across the globe and has noted the increased pattern of crop failures and the results look pretty dim in the coming year and years to come. Livestock losses have been mounting as well because of bad weather. Below is his most recent video which shows these trends. Take a look at his earlier videos in the past several weeks, for they are eye-opening.
Be ready for what is coming: a reduced food supply, which means greatly increasing prices, increasing bad weather, earthquakes and volcanism and disease – which will all mean increasing societal pressures.
Here’s an interesting article posted in Armstrong Economics that discusses this same issue and how it’s affecting crops in Russia.
Russia’s Wheat Crop Fails
“The weather turned very cold this year as our computer has been forecasting. The importance of our model’s forecasts lies in determining what will be the next cycle focus. Each cycle tends to shift from one to the next sector. While we still risk a strong dollar rally into 2020 creating the economic recession through deflation as assets decline, the next 8.6-year cycle appears to be setting up to be a commodity cycle. As the climate changes to bitter cold, we have warned this is when FAMINE and DISEASE rise. The flu season is always when it turns cold – not warm.”
“It is important to keep an eye on the climate cycle and prepare for the next real bull market. This year, the wheat crop in Russia has failed because of the bitter cold with even April coming in as the coldest in more than 140 years. The people who want to believe in global warming are so enamored with this idea mixing up pollution with climate change that they fail to see the trend coming. As crops fail with colder winters, food supplies will decline and prices will rise. So look for the next 8.6-year Economic Confidence Model Wave to bring higher prices in food.”
Here’s another interesting video showing more about the unexpected facts regarding climate change.
Dr. Raymond H. Wheeler (1892-1961) developed a clock to forecast recurring droughts, which coincided with colder climates. He found that every 170 years, the climate would turn colder and dryer, social mood would turn negative, civil wars would proliferate, and the economy would suffer from financial collapse.
Although he completed his work during the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, he was able to accurately forecast the second half of the 20th century, based upon the cycles that occurred over and over again like clockwork from 600 BC through today.
The Drought Clock shows shorter 100 year cycles of cold and dry which are compounded by the larger degree 170 year cycle, when they happen at the same time. You can see that he forecast the start of a cold, dry 170 year cycle just before the year 2000.
The bottom line – there are numerous factors that can and will affect our food supply. It’s critical that we learn from the past and properly prepare for the future by assuring we have enough food stored to provide for our families in these uncertain times.